
BDN IT Service Management

Our Goal: Reduce Your Risk from IT Disruptions and Cyber Threats

IT Service Management:
The Small Business Challenge


IT Service Management is a formal set of processes that make IT services available, reliable and secure. In large companies, IT functions are divided amongst specialists in their respective areas of expertise. This works because in an organization with 70,000 employees, there might 1200 people in IT.

But in smaller organizations, this division of responsibility obviously isn't practical because the amount of IT resources may not justify a full time person, let alone a team of people, dedicated to technology. Instead, IT responsibilities are handled by the owner or divvied up between key staff who perform these duties on a part-time, as-needed basis. While essential day-to-day duties get done (because they have to -- new employees can't work if they don't have an email account, for instance), some of the functions that tend to get overlooked or short-shrifted include:

  • Data Security
  • Network Security
  • Network Administration, including system backups and patches / updates
  • Security Awareness (training)
  • Policy Management (passwords, group policies, etc.)
As a result, small and medium businesses (SMBs) are at a unique disadvantage when it comes to managing IT risk related to cyber threats and general system failures. It's difficult enough for large organiations, with teams of specialists overseeing every aspect of IT, to defend the company from phishing, ransomware and data breaches; it's nearly impossible for smaller organiations to do it on their own. SMBs need to understand these risks and find creative ways to cost-effectively address them. Leveraging a managed service provider (MSP) is one approach they should consider as part of their business strategy.

From Crowdstrike:
"In a world where cybercrime never sleeps, organizations need an “always on” cybersecurity plan. And for small-to-medium businesses (SMBs), the need is even greater because cybercriminals have significantly increased their focus on smaller organizations in recent years. Between 2021 and 2022, there was nearly a 200% increase in incidents targeting organizations with fewer than 1,000 employees."

Black Dot can work with you to help you understand whether an MSP strategy would benefit your overall business plan. We also offer "T-U-B Defense for Small Business" for customres who want to immediately tackle the three most critical things SMBs must do to protect themselves from external and internal threats: training, updates and backups.

- John Brooks -- Managing Partner, Black Dot Networks

"The business runs fine.
Our IT? Not so much..."

Too many interruptions, lots of wasted time, and the important things aren't even getting done.

Take the BDN IT Self Assessment »


Want less headaches and some time back?

Spend less time on IT and get the right things done so you can focus on your business.

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Black Dot Networks
can help.

Your IT should work for you - not the other way around. We can help. Reach out to BDN today.

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Phil's World

BDN: Support for Everything IT

If you're spending more time on IT than you'd like and not getting the results your business needs, maybe it's time to make a change. From printers to servers to cloud, and everything in between, BDN can help.

Or maybe you're concerned about security risks like ransomware, phishing attacks or a data breach. We can help you there, too.


Cyber Security: Kali Linux

Software, OS updates and firewalls. Kali helps us find what you may be missing and lessen security risks that could harm your business.


It's about Uptime: Network Monitoring

Monitoring and tracking uptime for your key resources is critical. We use Nagios to provide us with uptime history and alerts when problems arise so we can quickly restore service. Sometimes before you know anything happened.


Communication: Trouble Ticketing

When problems happen, open a ticket and we'll be notified. Depending on the severity of the issue, we'll respond appropriately and take action to resolve it. No unanswered voicemails or emails -- instead, you'll be able to check status online. Simple.


Remote Support: Chrome Remote Desktop

Wherever we are, we can help. We'll work with you to identify key systems you'd like us to be able to support from afar. We can even show your people the problem and talk them through how to fix it so they learn how to solve it next time. Support for your support.


Peace of Mind from Black Dot Networks

Take the BDN fifteen-point IT Self Assessment (it takes about five minutes) and ask yourself if now is the time to get help. Reach out to set up a time to discuss your needs and we'll contact you soon.


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